Feb 10, 2007

legislation for a transition to peace in Iraq


Dear friends in the justice and peace community; Would you like to see a transition to peace in Iraq? The most effective way to do that is for each and every one of us to support legislation that meets the goals and objectives we outlined in our letters to our representatives in Congress (see the attached).

Rep. Blumenauer has introducted legislation for a transition to peace in Iraq called the "New Direction for Iraq Act" [H.B.663]. He would like to have a dialog with the faith and peace community about this proposal, and discuss next steps. It is significant that we have been invited to this discussion- his proposal was guided in part by the priniciples that were outlined by the U.S. Catholic bishops in their statement.

Your voice was heard! Now come to this important meeting so we can develop goals and strategy for the next steps in our campaign to bring about peace in Iraq. Please feel free to distribute this message to your friends in the faith and peace communities.

For the statement issued by the U.S. Catholic bishops:


For a summary of the legislation: http://blumenauer.house.gov/

For the legislation itself [H.B.663]: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.663:

This message is not an endorsement of Representative Blumenauer or any political party or candidate. Thanks for all your efforts! David Carrier

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