Apr 11, 2004

Notes from Past Events/ Meetings

March 26th, 2005 - Next St. Paul Social Justice Meeting - Matt & Michelle Senecal, Fr William, Mike Grady, Jim Hunt, Jim Little, Mike Niemeyer. Discussed calendar, legislative activity re SB545 and future strategies for raising awreness re public policy - faith connection. Also discussed end of life medical ethics issues.

February 26 - Saturday - Social Justice Commission meeting. Mike Grady, Frank Mele, Bernadette Mele, Michelle Senecal, Jim Hunt and Jim Little attended. The group decided on a proposed annual budget of $1,000 to be split into thirds to support direct service, education and advocacy components o fthe Commission's work. The group looked at key legislation to focus on this legislative session and discussed need to support SB 545 (see bill text at http://www.leg.state.or.us/05reg/measpdf/sb0500.dir/sb0545.intro.pdf )

February 21 - The Oregon Catholic Conference held its eighth Advocacy Day at the Oregon Legislature. The theme of the day was “Issues 2005.” Commission members contacted local legislators on matters of concern to Catholics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I call your attention to the most recent issue of BREAD FOR THE WORLD newsletter
April 2005. We are asked to contact our U.S. Congressional delegation and urge their support for the HUNGER FREE COMMUNITIES ACT 2005 which was to have been introduced this month in the Congress. It is to launch a renewal of the Administration's 2000 commitment to cut hunger in half by 2010. In fact, hunger has increased and present budget bills in Congress would reduce food stamps and other means of food for the poor. Please act promptly. thanks, Jim Hunt